COVID 19 Precautionary Practices

Valencia Tutors would like to take a moment and reassure families that we are staying up to date on CDC and other public official’s announcements regarding COVID-19.

Valencia Tutors has always made efforts to ensure a safe and clean environment for all students. In an effort to heighten internal procedures, teachers will be sanitizing tables throughout the day.

All students and teachers are required to wear masks while on the premises. All Students and teachers are required to take temperatures before entering their class. All teachers and students will be socially distanced. Teachers and students will have plexiglass as an interim barrier for ensured safety.

We ask that if you have a sick child that they stay home. We ask that if a parent/guardian is ill that they do not come in. Teachers like students are encouraged to wash their hands frequently and not touch their faces. If a student attends Valencia Tutors and is coughing and sneezing, we will ask parents to pick their child up and reschedule their session. Valencia Tutors held a staff training on virtual classrooms in the event we must work remotely with students. We are prepared to maintain all teaching and tutoring.

Here are some helpful websites for best practices CDC Fact Sheet,

CDC Information

Also, here is a link in helping explain COVID-19 to your children. Explaining COVID-19 to your children

Valencia Tutors remains open. We are responding, like others, as information is made available. Please know that we will ALWAYS do what is right for our students, families and staff.


Laura Lorenze and the Staff of Valencia Tutors

Information Update Policies and Procedures
Valencia Tutors Remains OPEN

I wanted to take a moment to update policies and procedures for the next three weeks. Valencia Tutors scheduled closure for spring break April 6-10 remains. If this closure changes, we will update accordingly.

In an effort to maintain continuity, families may choose to attend sessions via on-line or continue their regularly scheduled classes/tutoring at our center. We will be using a program called VEDAMO. This will be a very easy process for students. There is nothing to set-up. Students/parents will be sent a link and the link will automatically access the class. Completing courses continues to be a priority. Students will maintain regularly scheduled times with their teachers for on-line courses and tutoring.

For families who choose to stay home, please note the following:

  • There will be no refunds for the month of March tutoring services.
  • There will be no refunds for courses.
  • Valencia Tutors is extending their make-up policy for the month of March only.
  • Families will have until June 13, to make up classes. This make-up policy will also extend to charter schools.
  • Make-up sessions do not replace regular sessions and cannot be used as a credit. No exceptions.
  • Students that participate in our college planning program may choose to attend scheduled appointments via ZOOM or SKYPE. This includes SAT/ACT classes as well as college consulting appointments.
  • Valencia Tutors hours will not change during this interim time.

Again, Valencia Tutors and its management remains vigilant in providing a safe and healthy learning center. In a time where there is overwhelming uncertainty, Valencia Tutors is committed to maintaining a place of normalcy and consistency. This matter is fluid and we will respond accordingly.


Laura Lorenze and the Staff of Valencia Tutors.