Tutoring / Academic Support Application 2024-2025


    I Agree

    I Agree

    Instructional Sessions, Payment, Attendance and Make-Ups


    Valencia Tutors requires a credit card on file while services are being rendered.
    I agree

    Preferred Forms of Payment
    • Cash, Check, Master Card/Visa, On-Line Intuit
    Credit Card Information
    ✓ Credit Card Information must be entered before services begin
    ✓ Credit card information is securely entered via Quickbooks
    ✓ All credit card information is blocked with the exception of the last four digits

    I hereby authorize Valencia Tutors Learning Center to charge my credit card for payment and/ or a default in payment (cash/check/intuit payment not made). I understand that there are no refunds. I will give a two-week advance notice to Valencia Tutors if payment changes. I understand that a late fee of $35 will be added to my invoice if payment is not received by the 5th of the month.
    REFUNDS There are no refunds for rendered services.


    All make-up sessions must be completed 30 days from original appointment.
    I agree

    No rollover make-up sessions from the previous academic year.
    I agree

    Unused make-up time may not be used as credit.
    I agree


    Your student and teacher have a scheduled appointment. Attendance is crucial to maintain the highest standards of instruction.

    If an appointment is missed and a make-up is necessary, please contact us within 24 hours of the appointment time to reschedule. If Valencia Tutors is not notified the session may not be made-up and is charged in full. Please be advised that make-ups may not be used for account credits or used as an exchange for a regularly scheduled appointment. Make-ups must be utilized on a separate day or time from the standing appointment.

    Your child’s appointment stands regardless of their daily homework needs. Not having homework is not an acceptable reason for cancellation and a make-up session will not be permitted due to “no homework.” In the case of “no homework” student’s appointment time focuses on skill advancement and review.

    “We appreciate your understanding of this very important policy that supports education success for your student!”
    Laura Lorenze - Director, Valencia Tutors Learning Center


    I authorize our child's school to share with Valencia Tutors Learning Center information as it relates to our students' education. Such information includes:

    • Academic Records

    • Test Scores

    • Special Education Records

    • Progress Reports

    • Report Cards

    “We appreciate your courtesy with this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at 661-259-7160”
    Laura Lorenze - Director, Valencia Tutors Learning Center